A Galeria estará em recesso de 22/12/24 a 6/1/25. Os envios das vendas desse período serão realizados a partir do dia 7/1.
Boas Festas!
Galeria Alice Floriano will be in holiday from 22/12/24 to 6/1/25. Sales from this period will be dispatched from 7/1.
Happy Holidays!
JELIZAVETA SUSKA | Broche IX da série "Frozen Dreams"
JELIZAVETA SUSKA | Broche X da série "Frozen Dreams"
OLES TSURA | Broche Lollipop 15
OLES TSURA | Broche Lollipop 6
OLES TSURA | Broche Lollipop 16
OLES TSURA | Broche Lollipop 26
OLES TSURA | Broche Lollipop 33
GERALDINE FENN | Broche Collecting the Colonials I
VERA PINTO | Broche Coleção “Texturas”
MARIA IGNACIA WALKER | Broche Portrait Of The Woman Who Heard Bombs
MARIA IGNACIA WALKER | Broche Body With An Organ Removed
MARIA IGNACIA WALKER | Broche Loss Of A Finger
MARIA IGNACIA WALKER | Broche Death Of A Right Eye
MARIA IGNACIA WALKER | Broche Portrait Of The Man I Sleep With And Disappears
PAULA DI DARIO | Broche Dark
PAULA DI DARIO | Broche Light
FAN HE | Broche Belief I - 2022
HANSEL TAI | Broche Nude Cuboid