Paola Pérez
My work emerges from experiments with diverse materials and
techniques, expressing concepts, perceptions and feelings through
creation and research.
I am passionate about contemporary jewellery and feel at home
telling stories through its craft. This work, “Without Prejudice”,
represents a search for new worlds, expressed through jewellery.
I want to challenge conventional notions of what excites us, or what
is rejected, like flies in the world of men.
“Without Prejudice” redirects our experience of flies and our
prejudices against them. My intention in recreating these tiny
insects, that multiply and come together, is to create pieces that
represent a tribute to their nature.
Coming together in nature, flies create aesthetic forms and textures
as well as having specific roles in the equilibrium of our planet. This
work is my personal vision of these phenomena, of small new
In nature, the fragility of these creatures renders them short-lived;
this jewellery is my tribute to their perfect existence.
The works are comprised of various alloys, including 950 Silver, 925
silver, bronze and employ casting techniques, applied polyester
resin and metal construction.